vncdotool is a command line VNC client and library, this release improves server compatibility and makes the library API more useful. There is now a mailing list at [email protected] can be used for vncdotool related discussion. vncdotool 0.9.0 is available on PyPi and GitHub
On the compatabilty front –force-caps now handles more special characters \`[~!@#$%^&*()_+{}|:"<>?]'
and --force-caps=True
may become the default in the next release. The default pause between commands has been increased from 0 to 10ms, as some servers were dropping keypresses when sending type commands. With these changes vncdotool should *just work* with most servers.
Using vncdotool within a python script has been a popular request. Thanks to feedback on the 0.8 api module this release includes a number of important improvements. The API now works with passworded servers, plays nicer with PIL and supports connections to multiple servers.
For a full list of changes see the HISTORY
As always thanks to everyone who provided feedback, bug reports and pull requests. In particular, yhanks to Jan Sedlák, Daniel Stelter-Gliese, Antti Kervinen, Anatoly Techtonik, Tyler Oderkirk and Aragats Amirkhanyan.